Sunday, 8 February 2009

Big Garden Birdwatch on Aride Island

Hi Children

I hear that you recently did the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch in school, well just for fun I thought I would do the same on the Aride and then you can compare the birds that I saw in an hour looking out of my imaginary window with yours!

My list goes like this:
1. Greater Frigate bird = 58
2. Fairy tern = 46
3. Bridled tern = 6
4. Sooty tern = 2
5. Turnstone = 6
6. Lesser noddy = 19
7. Brown noddy = 16
8. White-tailed tropic bird = 6
9. Seychelles magpie robin = 2
10. Seychelles warbler = 1
11. Seychelles sunbird = 2
12.Tok tok (Seychelles fody) = 5
13. Moorhen = 2
14. Blue pigeon = 5
15.Madagascar turtle dove = 1
16.Madagascar fody = 1

I have put some pictures of the birds down on the right hand side as they will all be new to you as none of them are found in the UK, by exception of the turnstone and moorhen, but the ones in the Seychelles are slightly different.

Have fun comparing

Best wishes

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