Close to the beginning of the breeding season, the children were greeted by flocks of sooty terns circling above the hill nosily, together with numerous pairs of fairy terns flying in formation as they dance over head, their white plumage perfectly lit up against the pure blue sky.

At this time of year especially, the island is a live with wildlife, and as young wildlife explorers the children were able to see young tropic birds at their feet, and fairy tern chicks at eye level.

Shearwater chicks snuggled into burrows and magpie robins came and fed on cleared ground in front of them, skinks and crabs played around their feet, the smell of the Wright’s Gardenia flower greeted them as they walked into the garden, geckos skulked on the trees protecting their eggs and lesser noddys croaked in unison as they walked along the paths.

They also found out about the social history of the island, about the Copra house and the Lodge and how the inhabitants used to use wooden boats to get supplies, not like the same inflatable ribs of today.
They learnt about island life, with no running water and at times no electricity, about the importance of the garden and of growing food especially for the times when the sea is too rough to launch the boat to get to Praslin. There was time for relaxing too, as the children had lunch in the visitors shelter and a chance to enjoy the sand fly free beach and the waves for which Aride is known.

So don’t forget to keep watching...